Navigating the waters: Sustainable Approaches for Managing Stormwater and Flood

With our changing climate, flood and stormwater management is one of the utmost importance to ensure community safety. When you work with us, you’ll have a team of water resources engineers known and highly respected for their innovative, practical and sustainable solutions to preserve our most precious natural resource—water, together with managing risk of flooding to your community by offering specialist knowledge and expertise in floodplain management.

You will have complete access to a team experienced in investigating and assessing the delivery services for management of stormwater and flood mitigation in and around Sydney and regional NSW. You’ll also have the support of specialists who have delivered expert advice and worked with local government and state government in developing stormwater and flood management strategies.

Our comprehensive knowledge of current regulations and standards being applied through local government will guide you through the process of compliance and provide a precise engineering solution. Your project will have the backing of a team whose reputation has seen them called upon to perform peer reviews on major projects and provide input into policy development for various government authorities. You’ll have the confidence of knowing our team have acted as expert witnesses in the Land and Environment Court, supporting complicated development applications as a result of their authority and expertise in this field.

As proud members of the Stormwater Industry Association and Floodplain Management Australia (FMA), we stay at the forefront of evolving practices and regulations in stormwater and floodplain management so you’ll always have a team with the most up to date knowledge and skills ensuring your stormwater and flooding design flows smoothly.

Services we provide

Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) services include:

  • Urban stormwater masterplanning
  • Urban stormwater network design
  • Stormwater drainage system design
  • Trunk drainage channel and culvert design
  • Detention basin sizing
  • On-site detention system design
  • Ponds, wetland and raingarden design
  • Natural waterway, riparian and stream restoration design
  • Preparation of concept and detailed engineering plans


Investigation and assessment services include:

  • Water balance assessments
  • Stormwater harvesting and re-use strategies
  • Hydrological and hydraulic studies
  • Water cycle management studies and plans
  • Water quality (MUSIC) modelling
  • Preparation of 3D models
  • Urban stormwater network assessment
  • On site detention system assessment
  • Dam safety investigations, assessments and monitoring
  • Peer reviews on major projects


Flood Study and Floodplain management services include:

  • Flood modelling using 1D2D hydrodynamic simulation for mainstream (river/creek/channel) and overland flow path
  • Flood behaviour analysis
  • Design of major river/creek crossing structures such as bridge and culverts
  • Flood impact assessments
  • Dam Break Assessment
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Time of Inundation analysis
  • Visual flood animations
  • Floodplain risk management studies and plans
  • Flood evacuation management plan
  • Design of flood mitigation/amelioration works
  • Flood damages and cost-benefit assessments
  • Capital and ongoing cost estimation


Project management and delivery services include:

  • Service authority coordination
  • Consultant management
  • Consultation with stakeholders
  • Project program development and management
  • Design management and coordination
  • Project cost tracking and budget control
  • Project management of the construction phase