The Gables is a 4,600 lot masterplanned residential subdivision located in Sydney’s flourishing Hills Shire. The estate boasts social and educational amenities, which include a vibrant town centre, large lake, public school, community centre and sporting fields.
J. Wyndham Prince provided project management, civil engineering design and superintendency services for Precincts A to I.
Our engagement
- Infrastructure masterplanning
- Management of the Rezoning, DA, CC, Subdivision Certificate process
- Services coordination
- Consultant management (Precincts A and H)
- Design management and coordination
- Coordination of consultants
- Preparation of DA and CC plans (Precincts A and H)
- Stormwater masterplanning (Precincts A to I)
- Water sensitive urban design and stormwater infrastructure design (Precincts A to I)
- Flood modelling and hydraulic analysis (Precincts A to I)
- Water quality and quantity management (Precincts A to I)
- Water balance analysis
- Road and intersection design
- Contract administration/superintendency (Precincts A, H and lead-in road works)