J. Wyndham Prince is currently providing project management and contract administration services for the Western Precinct of the Moorebank Logistics Park. This Precinct will ultimately consist of 12 serviced warehouse pads over an area of 280 hectares and dedicated biodiversity areas.

J. Wyndham Prince is proud to have supported the delivery of Australia largest intermodal logistics precinct.

 Our engagement as Principal Representative

  • Contract administration/superintendency
  • Preparation of tender and contract documentation
  • Defects liability monitoring
  • Post construction handover

Engagement of other inhouse disciplines

  • Project program development and management
  • Services coordination
  • Submission of applications to Council and Government Departments
  • Consultant management
  • Consultation with stakeholders
  • Design management and coordination
  • Project management of the construction phase
  • Coordination of subcontractors
  • Contractor and Stakeholder liaison
  • Liaison with other contractors and consultants working adjacent to the site.
  • Review and Assessment of Requests for Information
  • Variation review and assessment Landscaping.
  • Acoustic Wall
  • Assessment of principal contractor progress claims
  • Reticulation services being potable water, pressure sewer, fire services, private comms, NBN, 33Kv, 11Kv and Low Voltage
  • Remediation of Moorebank Precinct West site which included PFAS, Asbestos, Lead, Unexploded Ordinance, buried rubbish and removal redundant services
  • Contamination Stockpile tracking
  • Earthworks to produce twelve (12) warehouse pads and two (2) storage areas which included import of 1,800,000m3 fill
  • 5.98 km of Trunk Drainage ranging from 375m – 1650m pipe and 500m of twin 2700mm x 2100mm culverts
  • Construction of three onsite detention basins (20,000m2, 15,000m2 & 10,000m2) including bioretention basins (6,000m2, 4,300m2 & 2,700m2) and five (5) gross pollutant traps.
  • 2 km of commercial road 14m wide
  • Lead In services